Subject: The Real Power of 'PLR'...

The Real Power Of Private Label Rights Content...
You hear it about it everywhere:

PLR content.

And while you may know that PLR stands for private label rights, you may not exactly know what that means for you and your business? 

Here’s the scoop…

Private label rights content refers to text, audio or video content that you can modify to suit your needs. (This often includes putting your name as the author or creator which can be great for credibility and for authority building in your niche).

You can then use the content in a variety of ways (as long as you stay within the PLR license terms), such as by distributing it as a means of driving traffic to your site, using it as a bonus to get people to buy your products or join your mailing list, or even creating paid products from it.

So what’s the big deal?

Why not just create the content yourself or hire someone else to create it for you?

Good question and it's one I get asked a lot, so here are five reasons why you should be using PLR to grow your business that you might find helpful…

Reason #1: PLR content saves you time. 

You get an idea for a book. So you spend a few days if not weeks or months researching and writing it. Now imagine if you use PLR content instead – you can tweak it to suit your needs in a matter of hours, meaning your product is ready to go almost instantly.

Reason #2: PLR content saves you money. 

Maybe you entrust your content creation to a good ghostwriter. In that case, PLR content can save you thousands of dollars per year. Even if you hire a ghostwriter to tweak the content, that’s a huge saving for you over having this same ghostwriter create your content from scratch.

Reason #3: PLR content is extremely flexible

The first thing you need to do is read the license terms that come with your PLR content, as your flexibility is only limited to these terms. But generally you’ll find that PLR content is extremely flexible, meaning you can do things such as:
  • Modifying the content.
  • Putting your name as the author.
  • Giving it away.
  • Using it as blog content.
  • Stocking your autoresponder with it.
  • Repackaging it, such as turning text content into a video.
  • Creating paid products out of it.
And more – there are a nearly endless number of ways to use PLR content to grow your business!

Reason #4: PLR content makes you look like an expert. 

If you’re not already an expert in your niche, then you’ll need to spend a considerable amount of time researching various topics in order to create content that establishes you as an expert. Alternatively, you can choose to use well-researched and well-written PLR content. Bam, you’re an instant expert!

Reason #5: PLR is easy to obtain. 

Several years ago you may have been hard-pressed to discover PLR content, especially a good, steady stream of niche-related content.  It's easier today to find everything you need...

...  For instance, if you checked out my email yesterday you'll know that right now you can get the license to not one popular marketing title but TEN of them (and at half the regular price with bonuses on top!) see below for details:

Here are just a few of the incredible benefits you could be taking advantage of right now with this collection:

  • DO A "SUPER FAST LAUNCH" - This is the easiest and most no-brainer way to make quick cash from your products. Grab the book, slap your name on it and create a quick sales letter or sales video and start selling this week.
  • BUILD AN INFO-PRODUCT EMPIRE - Integrate the books into your business and backend, cross sell and up sell them to existing customers to maximize lifetime value of your customers! This is how you truly start making a fortune online! All you have to do is market to existing customers!
  • SUB-NICHIFY THE CONTENT! - You're free to edit the content or rework the books in any way you choose and could quickly re-imagine the training to suit specialized sub-niche markets. Customize them for your audience and raise your prices to match. There is a lot of awesome info here that can be customized easily for both online or off.
  • ADD THE BOOK(S) TO A MEMBERSHIP SITE. - The content inside these courses is choc full of useful information. Any of it would be a valued asset in a niche membership site. You get 10 books in total, some complimentary and easily enough for a membership site or a year's worth of content/articles ready to drip deliver every month.
  • CREATE AN ONLINE OR OFFLINE COACHING PROGRAM. - Incorporate the courses as part of an online coaching program or even a local offline class for people in your area. Use the courses as the core training and add your own 'assignments' or 'hand-outs' based around it.
Right now you'll get all ten titles, plus stunning, editable cover designs and 10 articles/blog posts per title (a 100 in total) and to help you really get the most from the collection you also get "PLR Profit Secrets" my new strategy guide packed with useful tips and strategies to rocket your sales & profits with PLR

(Don't miss out the half price/extra bonus deal ends this week)

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

Get This PLR Deal Now - Click Here
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