Subject: Secrets for 'info-product' sellers only...

If you're not selling some kind of 'Info Product' (including: books, courses, memberships, videos etc.) then look away now, this is not for you.

Still reading?

Good...  because I've got something really exciting to share with you.

In fact, I've got 24 things to share with you - 24 different proven tricks and strategies that reveal how you can quickly double, triple or even quadruple the value of every customer that comes through your virtual doors.

Take a look >> Digital Riches

Some of these tactics work so fast that you can literally put them into place minutes from now and start profiting before your head hits the pillow tonight.

And they're not just for the Pro's -- Most require no special skills, background or tech knowledge. If you can type a few words into an autoresponder or a blog post, you can profit with these strategies!

Here’s a sneak peek at what you get:
  • You’ll discover two fiendishly simple tricks you can implement now to make more money with every order!
  • You’ll find the very best ways to turn your customer mailing list into a instant goldmine of backend profits!
  • You’ll discover multiple ways to quickly and easily turn existing products into an entirely new revenue streams!
  • You’ll learn some easy ways to get other people to help you create and implement extra streams of revenue!
  • You’ll discover the services that sell like crazy on the backend—and how to promote them for maximum effect!
  • You'll get the strategy that can put more money in your pocket now and boost longer term customer retention rates.
  • You’ll find out how to turn a simple freebie into a massive money-maker for your business!
And much, much more...

There are 24 revenue-boosting methods in all – there’s something for every business model, every digital product seller and information product business owner!

>> Click Here To Take A Look

I’m not kidding when I say these strategies are what makes the difference between a business that’s barely treading water, and one that’s thriving / extremely profitable 

- But just to ensure they work for you I've also added some 'Companion Kit' extras, including:

Five Tips and Tricks For Boosting Email Responses: Some of your biggest profits will come from emailing your customer list.

The Digital Riches Income Swipe File: Here you’ll get five examples of how to implement your new revenue strategies across different niche markets!

A complete Case Study: We’ll take a look at how a savvy marketer like you could promote a product all throughout a sales funnel and turn it into a best seller for your business. This is a REALLY profitable strategy!

And even better... If you head to the page now and click on the 'Click Here To Order' button (whether you plan on investing in my book or not) you'll see an actual strategy in play that has been adding FREE $5's to 93% of ALL sales of this guide.

If you want an extra $5 for pretty much zero extra work every time someone buys one of your products then take a look - You can copy this idea easily -- If you don't have a second product to offer then take a look at strategy #21 in the book (your problem will be solved) :-)

>>  Grab Your Copy Now

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

These strategies could be worth thousands of dollars to your business. But if you act this weekend, you’ll get all 24 ideas and my exclusive toolkit to implement them with a whopping 66% OFF. You won’t find a better or more affordable way to discover these secrets, so get started right now

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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