Subject: Plan Your Emails Like A Pro This Year!

Failing To Plan > Is Planning To Fail

Yesterday we opened up our brand new 'Mail Labs' coaching program!

  • If you missed the details CLICK HERE and catch up now to guarantee you won't miss the 'Early Bird' 80% off offer.

Okay catch up complete...  Today we wanted to cover one of the most CRITICAL success keys when it comes to Email Marketing!

If you sell or promote anything online you need to be doing this: PLANNING

Why? Because top email marketers don't wing it with their publishing calendar.

Instead, they plan it out months in advance. And while this may sound like overkill, don't be fooled, it's CRITICAL!  

Your promotional email calendar lets you mesh your promotions with holidays, relevant seasons and even other marketers' promotions in your niche.

But here's the stuff that hardly any expert talks about:   


Most marketers do this and they struggle to get results. Instead, you need to plan sequences of varying lengths, depending on what you're promoting or trying to accomplish.

Here are some of the most popular types of sequences we use:

  •  ** Onboarding:  Which is what you send to new customers to encourage them to use the product they just purchased, which in turn boosts satisfaction and creates repeat business.

  • ** Indoctrination: which is a welcome series (particularly for prospects).

  • ** Ascension: This is the series you send immediately after a purchase to persuade a buyer to purchase more offers from you.

  • ** Special Promos/Sales Sequences:  This includes sequences for things like launch week specials, flash sales, holiday sales and similar events.

  • ** Fear-Logic-Gain:  This is a three-part sales sequence, where each email appeals to a different emotion or rationale.

  • ** Objection Handling: Here's where you raise and handle common objections to close the sale.

  • ** Social Proof Sequence:  This series is all about sharing case studies, testimonials and other proof.

In fact this is SO IMPORTANT to your success as an Email Marketer that we've made it the very first module at 'MailLabs' We'll show you how to plan for better results and the amazing (free) planning software tool we use to do it :-)

IMPORTANT: 'MailLabs' is our new 12 week email marketing coaching program and right now you can join us with a MASSIVE 'Early Bird' discount and get a head start on everyone else, with instant access to the first 3 weeks' modules.

=> Get Started Right Now Here   

Hopefully the above planning tip has given you some insight into how our mails land in your inbox. It could easily add another zero to your bottom line profits this year if you do it right, so dive in now and get the full breakdown.

And remember while promotion planning is super important, it's only 1 of the 12 key areas we cover and that you need to focus on if you want to really ramp up your results this year.

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. Just one email can put hundreds or even thousands of dollars in your pocket! (And that number grows as you grow your list.)

So get started now and make 2021 the year you get actionable information you need to deliver on the results you want.

=> Grab Your Early Bird Discount Here