Subject: No More 'SLOW' Periods... 🆕

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There are certain points in the year when almost all industries experience 'slow downs'.

For many businesses January can be one of those months (often as a result of customers reigning in their spending after the holidays). 

And depending on your industry, slow periods can be seasonal or they can fluctuate depending on the economic climate or just circumstances beyond your control :-(

Established businesses, while not totally immune, can generally 'weather the storm' during these blips of reduced sales and revenue.

But they can hit small businesses much harder and especially if you're just getting started when regular cash flow is key.

So if you're dependent on regular income coming into your business.

Or if you're dreading the weeks or months when the orders dry up then don't despair.

What you need is MULTIPLE streams of PASSIVE INCOME.

Think of it like a shock absorber for your business! 

A cushion to lessen the impact when your digital products aren't exactly flying off the shelves.  Or if you're smart... 

A 'hands free' way to run your entire business. 

Simply add more passive income streams and keep adding them (some take just minutes to set up) and eventually you'll see so much revenue coming in without any involvement from you, you could pretty much take a month off... or two!

Like the idea of taking it a bit easier this year take a look at this

And if you're currently swamped with sales or overrun with orders (congratulations) you might not think this applies to you but don't make that mistake.

I mean who knows what next month will bring?

What happens if you get sick and you just can't work? Over the years I've seen that exact scenario take down even highly successful, six figure businesses and way more times than you'd care to think about :-(

It convinced me to look into how to protect my own business, to protect myself and my family should SHTF and to start creating as many of these 'set and forget' income generators as I could. 

I have dozens of them in place and believe me it helps you sleep soundly at night knowing that no matter what the money will keep coming in.

Want to add a protective layer to your business here are 12 ways you can do it.

** And to make it even easier to take action I've just enabled a $60 off code for you on THIS PAGE - It'll be applied automatically at the checkout all weekend for you **

Right now at the start of the year is the time to put some of these into place - create your buffer zone now.

Don't leave yourself vulnerable or in a position where you wished you'd done something but didn't :-(

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

If you'd like to get a handy one page action plan to give you some more ideas on this topic CLICK HERE (you can download it free)

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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