Subject: Here's the #1 Secret for Getting People to Open Your Emails

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Your subject line is the most important part of your entire email. That's because its job is to get people to open your email.

If it fails at this job, then the rest of your email might as well not even exist.

Indeed, your email will likely end up in the trash can.

So what's the #1 secret for getting people to open your emails?

This: create a great subject line.

Now, one way to create a great subject line is to promise readers a big benefit if they open the email.

For example, 

"Discover the quick and easy way to lose 10 pounds - see inside!"

The second component that makes the above subject line is compelling is that it arouses curiosity. People wonder, "What is that quick and easy way? Do I know it? Have I tried it?"

Naturally, the only way for readers to satisfy their curiosity is for them to open your email and see what you're revealing. Thus evoking curiosity alongside a benefit is a powerful way to boost your email open rate.

Here's another example of an email subject line that both arouses curiosity and promises a benefit:

"Here's the #1 secret for getting people to open your emails." 

This one works (and you're the proof that it works - you opened this email, didn't you?).

If you're new to using sales copy strategies to boost your open rate, then you may not know off hand how to create your own compelling subject line.

No problem - just check out "Inbox Economics" which includes a complete guide to writing compelling subject lines.

Plus it even includes 25 fill-in-the-blank templates you can use right now to quickly and easily create dozens of subject lines.

Check it out right now: Inbox Economics

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

This is the single best way to boost your email marketing revenue this year. But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself here: Inbox Economics

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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