Subject: Got a blog? Get this plugin and say 'hello' to Otto (the owl)

Don't you hate it when you click on a link and the web page takes about a week to load.

I mean it's 2018 for Pete's sake - no one wants to hang around anymore, we're all BUSY right?

Your visitors feel the same way too...

... and so does Google (they'll penalize your site for slow load times)

In fact right now a slow loading page could be killing your conversions or crushing any chance you have of getting a whole lot of love from big G.

So you need to know about Otto

Otto is an Image Optimizing Owl (I'm seriously not kidding)

You don't have to feed him or do anything at all really but he'll watch over your site day or night to guarantee your images are optimized and your website(s) load like lightning!

(You'll get fully automated image optimization, a new feathery buddy for your blog, plus lots of extra power-ups and even some cool bonuses)

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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