Subject: 'Crazy November' Deal - get your Cheat Sheets 📰

'Crazy November' Deal - Grab your Cheat Sheets

Lead Magnet Cheat Sheets 

It doesn't matter what you're promoting, your lead magnet should be the best sales tool in your toolbox!

But if you want your freemiums to work double time for you, it's essential you create something that your prospects will reference or use again and again.

I'm talking things like buyer's guides... mini courses... templates... mind maps...idea lists.

Anything they'll want to use REPEATEDLY.

THAT'S THE KEY: The more your prospects use your lead magnet -> the more they'll see your promotions -> the more likely it is they'll click your links and buy whatever it is you're selling.

Simply put, familiarity generates sales. So it makes little sense to give away ebooks or reports that people download and read once (maybe) then never open them again.

(Don't copy what most online business owners and marketers are doing because they're simply NOT getting good results - And don't worry, if you already offering lead magnets that aren't really working it's pretty simple to re-purpose them)

Changing up the type of lead magnet you offer will help you stand out from the crowd and you'll generate bigger / long-term profits as a result.
Instant Access - Get all 12 Cheat Sheets

When you discover how to create these 12 DIFFERENT kinds of lead magnets and put them to work for you, they'll bring in order after order after order for months and even years to come.

It's selling without the hard sell and you can do it all on autopilot!

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

Just a note, these are printable "cheat sheets" 


If you want more detail along step-by-step guidance on creating these lead magnets, I recommend you consider the main "Freemium Funds" program:

=> Click Here To Check It Out

(the cheat sheets are one page summaries of each main module - but of course with the current crazy November discounts on offer, you could pick up both deals today and get yourself a DOUBLE saving 

That said, if you're comfortable creating content and just want all you need to know in handy printable documents, then this time saving collection  is for you!

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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