Subject: 🤑10 Ways to grow your business fast using PLR...

10 Ways to Grow Your Business Using PLR Content
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10 Ways to Grow Your Business Fast Using PLR...

If you've already picked up the special PLR license deal and want to fully leverage your investment – then you’ll want to keep reading to discover 10 different ways to get the most out of PLR…

1. Stock your autoresponder with PLR content. 

If you have PLR content that details a step-by-step process or a series of related tips, then you can easily turn this content into a multi-part ecourse. If you have enough of this content, you can create an email series that runs completely on autopilot for three months, six months, a year or even more!

Note: Just tweak the content to make sure it’s evergreen and you'll be keeping your readers opening, clicking and engaged with your business for years to come.

2. Use it to create an enticing subscription bonus. 

You need to give your prospective subscribers a good reason to join your mailing list. One way to do that is by offering a freebie in the form of a report or ebook. You can use your PLR content to quickly and easily create this free bonus!

Note:  If you want to learn more about using bonuses click here

3. Offer it as a bonus to paid products. 

Your prospects are sitting on the fence trying to decide whether to purchase your product or not. Offering a bonus such as a special report is a good way to help them make the buying decision and ramp up conversions. And using PLR content is a fast and easy way to create these bonuses.

4. Create a paid product with PLR content. 

You can set aside your best PLR content and use it to create paid products such as ebooks, home study courses, webinars and more.

Tip: For best results, compile multiple sources of PLR to create your own unique, killer product.  The Marketer Pack is a great resource because all the topics fit together and will appeal to a broad sweep of marketers and business owners

5. Utilize PLR content to create a viral report. 

Do you have PLR content that seems particularly useful, engaging, entertaining or even controversial? Then use it to create a viral report that you distribute widely across your niche to get you/your business a lot of attention fast!

6. Turn text PLR content into a video. 

Don’t limit yourself to keeping your PLR content in its original text format. One way to expand its use is to turn text content into video content.  This is super easy to do with tools like Content Samurai < (I use this software myself all the time and if you use this link you can try it for free)

7. Compile PLR content to create a “vault” membership site. 

Do you have a lot of PLR content all in one niche? Then use it to create a vault-style membership site, that’s chock-full of niche articles, reports and ebooks.  These memberships make excellent upsells or cart bumps in your sales funnels and will increase your average order values significantly.

8. Publish PLR content on your blog. 

If you don’t have any PLR articles, no worries – you can chop up PLR reports and ebooks to instantly create blog posts that will bring more visitors to your site!

9. Create a 'Fire Sale' / Blowout Sale. 

Here’s yet another way to turn multiple related PLR content into piles of cash. Simply run a one-week fire sale where you sell the whole boatload of content for just pennies on the dollar.  If you've read my 'Blowout Blueprint' manual you can use PLR to quickly build up the initial offer then let others do all the work for you ;-)

10. Make a podcast out of PLR content. 

Instead of posting regular text articles on your blog or Facebook wall, you can read your PLR content to create a podcast. Best of all, you can then submit this podcast to podcast directories, reaching even further into your target market and building up your expertise and authority status while you grow your audience!

There you have it – 10 profitable ways to use PLR to grow your business :-)

But the truth is, I didn’t even mention some of the most profitable strategies...

...  you can discover these tactics and more inside "PLR Profit Secrets" my new guide (yes you can get it FREE with the PLR Marketer's Pack Here )

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S.  If you've not yet picked up this incredible private label license bundle, what's keeping you?  

Act right now and you'll get your license at half price along with some real kick ass bonuses >>  Click Here For Full Details

Start applying the above strategies in your business today!

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