Subject: Got 5 hours to spare a week? Here’s how to generate sales on autopilot


What if you were a Digital Landlord...

Someone who rented out simple digital storefronts to local businesses in DESPERATE need of a way to.

>> Sell their products/services online in the new “Local-Digital-Economy?”

You’d charge them 1,000/month in “rent.” 

And the number of digital storefronts you can rent out knows no limits…

5? 10? 100? 

In the blink of an eye and without lifting a finger with around just 5 hours work a week. 


Well, today my friend Todd Gross and Peter Beattie have just released.

>> The world’s FIRST Turn-key Digital Landlord Agency platform.

It's called “The 7 Day Digital Landlord!”

Finally, ANYONE, regardless of experience, can quickly BUILD & RENT “Ready to go” Digital Storefronts to businesses in ANY niche, for recurring rental just a few clicks!

Seriously, if you can send an email, you can do this.

The software is powerful enough to have your first Storefront LIVE and ready to rent out in 5 mins or less…

NO meeting with clients.

NO selling.

NO tech skills needed (the platform does that for you.)

No overheads.

The best part of all? You can grab it at a HUGE discount right now for the next few hours:

>> Get your BIG 7-Day Digital Landlord discount! This is not a drill. 

Pretty soon, they’ll be selling their amazingly powerful software via webinar...but for a short while longer you can get over 90% off

They’re ONLY doing this discount to build a case study of success stories for their Digital Landlord student library. 

With the hype and interest surrounding this already…

Filling up that library will NOT take long.

So, you have a choice:

Be INSIDE the library, knowing you’ve bagged a bargain on building a no-brainer online business.

Be on the OUTSIDE a few days from now looking in while you’re begrudgingly paying full price for the EXACT SAME software, tools, and training. 

What’s it to be?

>> Get your BIG 7-Day Digital Landlord discount! 

All the best,

Ralph Winston

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