Subject: Create unlimited situations and scenes with Super Backdrop!



Have you been looking for really good backdrops for your videos? 


You know - those static or video backdrops that make you look like you're in a beautifully designed kitchen, or in a well-appointed office, or out in nature standing in front of trees covered in autumn leaves, or pool-side and you’re ready to jump in?


Yet, all the while, you’re actually standing in front of your green screen with large bright lights pointing at you!


Super Backdrop fits that bill perfectly!


The Super Backdrop library is massive backdrop library ready to be used to create any scene in your videos, graphic work, presentations, or any other green screen project that you have.


All the backdrops are in standard image and video formats that will allow you to use these Super Backdrops in all of your favorite video, graphic, presentation and other software.


Not only that, you will also be getting another thousand “versatile visuals”.


PLUS a suite of high definition green screen actors and actresses that you can use along with these backdrops!


The versatile visuals come without backgrounds and the greenscreen actors and actresses are with greenscreen so you can easily key out the background from them then you can mix and match any of them over any Super Backdrop and create unlimited unique scenes!


These versatile visuals and greenscreen actors and actresses will come in extremely handy, imagine.


Select a businesswoman, drop her onto an office backdrop, and create a brand-new unique office scene!


Select a man, add some versatile visuals, place him over a shopping video backdrop, and create a unique shopping scene!


The possibilities are endless! 


Create unlimited situations and scenes with Super Backdrop!


Super Backdrop is literally the world’s best backdrop library and packed with tremendous value. 

All the best,

Ralph Winston

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