Subject: 😱 These new videos are dominating like crazy!


There's a new video trend that you really don't want to miss:

>>> Have a sneak preview here...

Quick history lesson...

Videos really became popular online between 2005 and 2010 (YouTube launched in 2005).

Due to the continuous evolution and improvement of the Internet, videos keep changing too.

It was around 2011 that HD videos became the new standard.

Then they kept getting bigger and wider, because computer monitors and TV's kept getting bigger and wider.

720P, then 1080, then 4k...

Can you imagine if you were still publishing videos in 4:3 aspect ratio and 480 lines of resolution, like an old school TV?

Sure, a few people would watch, but overall you would be missing out on the majority of your audience, and most people wouldn't even take you seriously!

Well that's what it's going to be like if you miss this new video trend.

It's not just a fad, but the next step in the evolution of online video.

It's absolutely 100 percent already here, and most people haven't even realised it yet.

>>> See what it's all about, and how you can benefit on this trend today:

All the best,

Ralph Winston


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