Subject: 👍 4800+ Leads Using This FUN, NEW Software!


Do you have an email list?

I want to show you something very cool today...

>> This software CHANGES the way you build an email list.

Makes it 10x easier.

Makes it "not irritating" for your visitors.

In fact, it makes them love you even more.

And you can do all that without building any landing pages or optin pages at all...

>> Introducing the Gift Machine software for you.

This is important for you because...

Having an Email LIST is a "must have" for EVERY website.

I know there are several "old methods" to do that.

But they are all MANUAL ways...

Do you really want to waste your time with them?

Instead - you can use "smart, curiosity driven techniques" to add 1000s of people to your email list day and night.

And this new GIFT MACHINE does it all automatically for you...

>> See how this guy added over 4800 people to his List using this software.

If you are tired of ALL THE POPUPS and weird nagging ways people try to ask you for your email..

This solves a big problem for you.

Now you can have a very funny, smart and unobtrusive way to build your email list.

Today is the day you can get "earlybird" access to this AUTO list builder.

Build your EMAIL list in a FRESH new way.

Without annoying your visitors.

>> So get started HERE and get yourself your first leads with this software.

All the best,

Ralph Winston

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