Subject: 🎖️ #1 Easiest Way To Boost Your Conversions in WordPress


Current WordPress optmisation products do half a job...

I mean they don't tell you if you are having problems with your host, you have no idea if your themes/plugins are slowing your site down 95% of optimisation tools don't do the #1 thing you should do to a website which is... optimise graphics.

Fact is most WordPress users never optimise graphics, so many sites are carrying a huge amount of dead weight.

According to Kissmetrics if your site takes 3+ seconds to load you lose 50%+ of traffic & at 20+ seconds you lose 95%+ of traffic... that's a serious problem.

>> Here's how to Fix It 

And that’s not all ... this product helps you fix 6 of the biggest WordPress speed problems.

Problem #1 - Hosting - Poor Global Connectivity Slows Down Your Site

FIX - WP Profiler diagnoses hosting connectivity issues in real time.

Problem #2 - Server - Poor Config & Inadequate Hosting Plans Cause Issues

FIX - WP Profiler diagnoses server config issues in real time

Problem #3 - Plugins & Themes - Cause Load Speed Issues

FIX - WP Profiler tests theme & plugin load speed in real time

Problem #4 - Un-Optimized GFX - kill load speed & eat bandwidth

FIX - WP Profiler does lossless optimisation of site graphics

Problem #5 - Bloated Databases - Thrash Your Server's Processor

FIX - WP Profiler does an advanced junk clean-up

Problem #6 - Long Pages - kill load speed and eat more server resources

FIX - WP Profiler allows users to enable lazy load on any page they wish

The is currently on sale for 75% off so move quick before the discount expires.

>> Secure Your Discount Now.

All the best,

Ralph Winston

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