Subject: November 2016 News and Events

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When the summer of good fortune warms my tree of life, it easily burgeons with fragrant blossoms of thankfulness.

During winter months of misfortune, O Lord, may my denuded branches changelessly waft toward Thee a secret scent of gratitude.

--Paramahansa Yogananda
Whispers from Eternity
Thanksgiving Social--12:00 noon Sunday 20, 2016

We will be holding our annual Thanksgiving social right after services on Sunday 20. It will be a catered entree potluck social. The Tofu turkey with vegetarian gravy, dessert and drinks will be provided. The following potluck menu items will be needed:

1. One or more green bean dishes.

2. Mashed or some other potato dishes.

3. One or more green salad dishes.

4. Cranberry or other nice fruit dish.

We will need some extra help with setup. Please see Sharu if you can help or contribute with other food preperation of the menu. You can also contact Jack Welch if Sharu is not available.

Everyone is invited to attend and share food and fellowship with us in this popular event at our chapel.
SRF Nuns at Dallas Fort Worth Meditation Group

On Sunday October 9th Brahmacharinis Angelina and Emily gave inspiring services to our group and Sunday School. They presided over our morning worship services, Sunday School and a Satsanga in the afternoon. A wonderful social was held at 12:00 noon after services.

This marks the first time our group has hosted nuns of Self-Realization Fellowship. We had record attendances for all activities and everyone felt the upliftment of these activities and this day.

The SRF nuns were here presiding over the Girls Youth Day Program held at the beautiful Lake Texoma retreat location on October 8th, 2016. This was a first ever event for us, and the second of it's kind, in a new SRF program for bringing Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings to the youth in SRF. The Boy's Youth Day Program was held the following Saturday, October 15th and was presided over by Brother Sarvananda and Brahmachari Troy. These programs will be coming to other areas over the coming years.

Our group was the support for this year's SRF Youth Day Programs at Lake Texoma. We would like to thank all those who offered their support and help for the two weekends.
In Memoriam- Brother Anandamoy (1922-2016)

Our revered Brother Anandamoy, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and monk of Self-Realization Fellowship for more than 65 years, passed away peacefully at SRF’s International Headquarters on Mount Washington in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening, September 6, 2016.

As a much-loved and deeply respected minister of SRF, Brother (Swami) Anandamoy inspired and uplifted thousands through his selfless life and profound understanding of the spiritual life and the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. He has left a lasting legacy in the spiritual lives of countless souls around the world whom he helped and encouraged on the path to God for so many years.

A public memorial service was held in Los Angeles on September 24 at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills. All may view the memorial service here.
Daylight Savings Time Ends

Daylight savings time ends early Sunday morning November 6th.

Don't forget to set your clocks back 1 hour before going to bed Saturday night.
Needed--Previous Years SRF Catalogues

Our Sunday School would like to make use of previous years SRF catalogues. Please bring in previous years catalogues instead of throwing them away. The pictures in them can be used for crafts in our Sunday School programs.
No Service Days

There will be no Meditation Service on Wednesday, November 23rd.

There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, November 27th.
Dallas Fort Worth Meditation Group Services 

Please join us for our services at any of these times:

Wednesday evening Meditation Service at 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Saturday morning 3 hour Meditation Service starting at 9:00 -12:00 pm

Sunday morning Meditation Service at 10:00 am -10:45 am

Sunday morning Reading Service at 11:00 am -12:00 pm

Sunday School for children 5 to 13 from 11:00am-12:00pm on Sundays.

*Please note that our group chapel is only open during the above times.

More information about our services is on the DFW Meditation Group Website.

As the official branch of SRF in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, our meditation group has been meeting continuously since 1972. Our History.

For those who are new to Self-Realization Fellowship

Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) has more than 500 temples, retreats, ashrams and meditation centers around the world offering all interested seekers the opportunity to come together to experience the power of group meditations.
Additional information about meditation with videos and the world wide work of SRF can be found on the international web site; Self-Realization Fellowship
Dallas-Fort Worth Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

Dallas-Fort Worth Meditation Group, 2011 N. Britain Rd., Irving, Texas 75061, United States
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