All Day Christmas Meditation
"The idea of an all-day Christmas meditation was really given to me by Christ, that he might do something for you. He wants to bless you, but his hands are tied if you are not receptive. He wants to come to you, but he can't if the portals of devotion, through which alone he can enter your life, are closed. Wherever he finds sincere souls, he tries to come to them; but how can he get in when the doors of calmness are shut and the latch of restlessness has locked up the soul? Yet if you meditate long and deeply, and call to Christ with all the love of your soul, removing all barriers of restlessness and doubt, you will find him willingly entering in. You will know the real meaning of joy of Christmas." Paramahansa Yogananda From A Christmas Message Winter 2008 Self-Realization Magazine
This year our All Day Meditation will be on December 19th. The meditation will begin at 10:00 am and continue until 5:00 pm. After 10:00 am no one will be permitted to enter the chapel once the meditation has begun. There will be an intermission at 1:30 pm for 20 minutes. It is requested that devotees plan to stay for the full meditation period. However, one may attend the first half and leave during the intermission if circumstances do not permit remaining for the entire meditation. Please do not plan to attend only the afternoon session as no one should be admitted for just the second half.
These rules were instituted by Paramahansaji for the best possible conditions of calmness and attunement. He insisted that anyone with a cough or cold should not attend the meditation, but meditate at home.
Please bring devotional offerings, called pranami, of fruit and a monetary donation. The fruit symbolizes the devotee's love and devotion for Christ, Krishna, and the line of SRF Gurus. The donation is a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness to the cause of Self-Realization Fellowship.
Please arrive a little early so that you may become comfortably settled and calm before the meditation begins. You may bring a small cushion to sit on and an extra sweater or shawl for comfort. You may also come early and individually practice the Energization Exercises in India Hall before the meditation begins.