Subject: DFW-SRF eNewsletter November 2019

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DFW Group eNewsletter November 2019
Paramahansa Yogananda

What is Truth?

"Truth is that which gives permanent happiness. In the absolute sense, anything that contradicts true happiness is untruth; and that which gives permanent happiness is truth. Permanent happiness refers not to the temporary thrill that comes with material success and pleasure, but to the joy found in the soul's attunement with God. By this standard, you can judge any action you perform as to its projected end result--whether or not that action will promote lasting happiness."

Paramahansa Yogananda-1938
Self-Realization Magazine, Spring 1991
Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers
SRF Online Meditations and Online Study Groups* are now active 4 times a day Monday through Friday. Visit this link for the calendar of service times. It will give you the times of services in your own Time Zone.  Instructions to first prepare your environment and device are here in this link, including a FAQ list.

*The SRF Lessons Study Groups will be available in November.

"Through this online center, we look forward to sharing with you the blessings of experiencing group meditation and study of Paramahansaji’s teachings, in fellowship with many other SRF members and friends from around the world."

In divine friendship,

Brother Chidananda President,
Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India

Annual Group Meeting

On Sunday Nov. 10th we will have an annual group meeting to discuss finances and future plans. Our lease is ending December of next year, so we will be discussing the new lease term and likely increase in rent. 

Please make a special effort to attend this important meeting.
Annual Charity Outreach

Our charity outreach effort will continue through Sunday, November 17th. The list of items needed are on take away sheets on the drop-off boxes in the book room. Please bring suggested items in and leave them in our book room. There is no need to separate the items.
In this effort we have joined with Good Samaritans of Garland. Individual packs of food and hygiene items are combined to serve those who are homeless. This is a successful annual event we have participated in for many years. Our help is making a difference in many lives of the disadvantaged.

Your participation is thankfully received.

The items needed include travel sized:
· Razors
· Shaving Cream
· Small Shampoo
· Toothbrush
· Washcloth
· Q-tips
· Bar of soap
· Socks ( because cooler weather is coming up )

Food Items:
· Canned items that come with a pull-tab opening, and is in a one serving size.
Spaghettios, Ravioli
· Hearty Soups with a pull tab if in a can or easy opening plastic.
· Granola bars, pop-tarts, energy bars, nuts.
· Fruit in a plastic container (they come in a 4 to 6 pack).

Thanksgiving Pot Luck Social

We will be holding our annual Thanksgiving social right after services on Sunday, November 24th. It will be a catered entree potluck social. The Tofu turkey with vegetarian gravy and drinks will be provided. 

Sharu will coordinate the dishes and have a list on the book room desk. You may contact her also by phone (469)-758-9476 or email

Everyone is invited to attend this popular event.
Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday November 3rd.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back by 2:00 am Sunday morning.
Guided Meditation Services

Remember: The first Saturday of each month will be a three hour Guided Meditation Service.

Guided Meditations offer a unique opportunity for our members to incorporate the benefits of a long meditation in a group setting which strengthens the vibrations for all participants. Many students find that Guided Meditations inspire them to perform the techniques more faithfully and with deeper concentration. To receive the most benefits of this service one is encouraged to attend all three hours. 

Please enter and leave on the hour.

No details of the techniques will be given by the leader. If you wish to get the techniques of meditation as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda you must subscribe to the SRF Lessons.
Chapel 2020 Building Fund

Our Local Building Fund donations total, at the end of August, was $335,661. The fund is held by Mother Center and is under their tax exempt status. We receive an accounting of the updated balance periodically from Center Department.

Thank you for your continued support of our local Building Fund. It is supported entirely by your generous donations.
Monthly Calendar

Visit our DFW-SRF Monthly Calendar often to view our latest activities. New events come up or change periodically and we will update the calendar and announce these at our services.
DFW-SRF Sunday 11:00 am Readings Service Topics
  • November       3       Harmonizing Work and Meditation
  • November     10       Why God Does Not Stop War
  • November     17       Gaining the Wealth of Inner Happiness
  • November     24       Limited and Unlimited Methods of Healing
Dallas Fort Worth Meditation Group Services 

Please join us for our services at any of these times:

Wednesday evening Meditation Service at 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Saturday morning 3 hour Meditation Service at 9:00 -12:00 pm
   (Please enter and leave on the hour while chants are playing.)

Sunday morning Meditation Service at 10:00 am -10:45 am

Sunday morning Reading Service at 11:00 am -12:00 pm

Sunday School for children ages 5 to 12 from 11:00 am-12:00 pm.

Sunday Service for Teens. The 1st Sunday of every month at 11:00 am.

Please note that the chapel is only open during the above times.

More information about our services is on the DFW Meditation Group Website.

As the official branch of SRF in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, our meditation group has been meeting continuously since 1972. Our History.

Phone: (972) 294-7161

For those who are new to Self-Realization Fellowship

Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) has more than 500 temples, retreats, ashrams and meditation centers around the world offering all interested seekers the opportunity to come together to experience the power of group meditations.
Additional information about meditation with videos and the world wide work of SRF can be found on the international web site;Self-Realization Fellowship
Dallas-Fort Worth Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship

Dallas-Fort Worth Meditation Group, 2011 N. Britain Rd., Irving, Texas 75061, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.