Subject: Free Ganesh Murti crafting Workshops for Ganesh Chaturthi and Nimajjan
Free Ganesh Murti crafting Workshops for Ganesh Chaturthi and Nimajjan
August 9th, 2017 at 11:16 am CDTThis year we have several new sponsorship levels, with all donors receiving great recognition and Temple (Poshaka) benefits. Please click here and donate generously. All donations are fully tax-deductible - NO amount is too small. ...
Shiva Abhishekam on Shravan Somvar - Aug 7, 14 & 21
August 6th, 2017 at 5:00 pm CDTShravan Somvar - Shiva Abhishekam Monday's, Aug. 7, 14 21, 20176:00 PM Shravan month is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The whole month is considered auspicious to seek the blessing of Lord Shiva. Shiva Abhishekam is being performed with a va ...
Monday, August 7: Yajurveda Upakarma & Sri Vikhanasa Maharishi Jayanthi
August 6th, 2017 at 4:00 am CDTSri Vikhanasa Maharishi Jayanthi Yajurveda Upakarma Monday, August 7th, 2017 Upakarma is conducted once a year during the shravana or Dhanista nakshatra of Shravan month, when Brahmins ritually change their upanayana thread accompanied ...
Saturday, August 5 - Navagraha Homam on Shani Trayodasi
August 4th, 2017 at 4:00 am CDTShani Trayodasi - Navagraha Homam Saturday, August 5th, 201710:30 AM As a token of appreciation, this pooja is included for Yuvaraja Poshaka level and above. All Poshakas who have donated more than $1000 per year are encouraged to avail ...
Friday, August 4: Vara Lakshmi Vratam & Pooja
August 3rd, 2017 at 4:00 am CDTVara Lakshmi Vratam Friday, August 4th, 2017 Vara Lakshmi Vratam is celebrated on the Second Friday or the friday before full moon day - Poornima in the month of Śravaṇā. Worshiping Goddess Varalakshmi on this day is equivalent to w ...
Vendor Booth Registration for Ganesh Nimajjan
August 2nd, 2017 at 4:00 am CDTNamaste! ICCT Ganesh Nimajjan in the Mid South region has been very successful from the last six years. It is a true multi-regional, fun-filled, social event attended by 4000 to 5000 visitors, providing an unique experience. As you mi ...
Saturday, August 5 - Trustee Meeting
August 2nd, 2017 at 4:00 am CDTTrustee Meeting - Saturday, August 5th at 3:00 PM
Register to participate in competitions as part of Ganesh Nimajjan
August 1st, 2017 at 4:00 am CDTJhankaar - A Celebration of Dance We invite all enthusiastic choreographers to bring in their teams to perform in an exclusive cultural program on the event day between 12 pm – 2 pm. Below are the guidelines for the program: Minimum ...
Aug 1 to 3: Pavitrotsavam Celebrations
July 31st, 2017 at 4:55 pm CDTPAVITHROTSAVAM Celebrations August 1st to 3rd 2017 Pavitrotsavam is an annual ritual to Lord Venkateshwara. Pavitrotsava is derived from the combination of two words Pavitra (holy) and utsava (festival). The main objective is to get ri ...
Save the date: August 26 - Ganesh Nimajjan
July 31st, 2017 at 11:04 am CDTQuick Links ICCT Poshaka Parivar | Annual Poshakas | Annadanam | Sahasranama Mala | Membership | ICCT Projects | Kroger Community Rewards | Photo Gallery | Pooja Material | History of Temple | Deities in the Temple | Services | Dai ...
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