Tuesday, September 15th, 2020
Due to the existing pandemic restrictions with the limit in the number of people gathering at one place, only LIMITED number of sponsors are allowed to participate in this event. After sponsoring online, please schedule your visit by clicking here and make sure you follow the temple visit guidelines when you visit the temple.
Masa Shivaratri is dedicated to Lord Shiva. On Masa Shivaratri, Shiva abhishekam is performed with milk, curd, honey, ghee, sugarcane juice, coconut water, bilpatra, flowers etc. This kind of abhishekam gives prosperity, achievement of all desires, eliminates negative forces, getting rid of negative karma and will give you immense joy and success in life. The abhishekam is performed at 6:00 PM.
In the resulting payment page, select "Shiva Abhishekam (Masa Shivaratri)" from the second dropdown titled "Abhishekam (One time - Temple Sponsored)"
$5000 and above poshakas during 2020 are included as Sponsors, no additional sponsorship is required.