Dear All,
The Board of Trustees of India Cultural Center and Temple would like to sincerely thank Amma Karunamayi, Priests, Volunteers, Life members, Devotees, Artists and the Community who helped make the Silver Jubilee Celebrations and Hari Hara Maha Yagnam a truly memorable event and an enriching divine experience for all !! We truly believe every devotee who attended the Yagnam was blessed with divine energy from the power of invoking Hari, Hara and all the other Devatha's during the Ishti homam's.
A special thanks to all the donors/sponsors without whose support this Yagnam would not have been possible.
As with all the events, an event of this magnitude could not have been possible without the help, commitment and dedicated service of all the volunteers who put in countless hours in the planning and execution of various tasks. Thanks to our Annadanam volunteers who delighted our palette with sumptuous menu items from their respective regional cuisines. Our sincere gratitude to all volunteers.
Thank you once again! May Sri Venkateswara and Lord Chandramouliswara shower their Blessings to everyone!
Sincerely, Executive Committee India Cultural Center and Temple