Subject: THANK YOU - Brahmotsavam & Navaratri Celebrations
Brahmotsavam and Navaratri celebrations have just concluded yesterday on Vijaya Dasami. Although we wanted the maximum number of devotees to attend and participate in the events, we had to limit the event access to sponsors-only in order to maintain appropriate social distancing during the ongoing pandemic.
We would like to sincerely thank all the devotees and sponsors for participating in the celebrations by scheduling their visit in advance and following all the required pandemic health guidelines.
Our special thanks to all the priests who made us experience a divine celestial event which can be only viewed in Tirumala (Tirupathi) temple in India. Many thanks to the priest families for preparing prasadam every day during Unjal Seva and Asthanam.
Our deepest gratitude to the Trustee event co-ordinators for arranging and managing all the events inspite of the risk to their lives due to Covid-19 virus.
We hope many of you were able to view the daily Brahmotsavam and Navaratri updates that were posted on the ICCT facebook page.