Subject: Kumbhabhishekam - Thank you

Generously showered by which we have been,
Only in Memphis can such love be seen...

A monument carved by by many loving hands,
On a hilltop in Eads, so calm and serene...

Nourished by Dharma, and righteous law,
We're privileged to savor what our elders dreamed...

Driven, determined, discerning, and keen,
Only in Memphis can such love be seen....

Where else would you find a temple to Naga Devatha built entirely by volunteers from the ground up? Where else would you get a taste of Annadanam where the Yajamani himself is the cook? Where else in North America would you see Yagnam's performed with true Agama tradition, or Holi, Dahi Handi, and Ganesh Nimajjan celebrations that would give Mumbai a run for it's money! Where else can you expect to see doctors, engineers, sculptors, artists, and senior corporate leaders performing physical labor and selfless seva without the slightest hint of ego?

Where indeed, but the citadel of Sanatana Dharma in North America....
Only here in Memphis can you court the good fortune to behold this monument to faith and selfless giving, that we call - 
India Cultural Center and Temple

This fine institution and the Dwiteeya Jeernoddharana (Kumbhabhishekam) event was made possible against all odds, by the labors of devoted, and blessed people. We are honored to call this place home and host you at Dwiteeya Jeernoddharna Maha Prathista for the past 5 days.

A big thanks to the Sponsors, Volunteers, Priests, Shilpi's and Devotees for making this amazing event happen!

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