India Cultural Center and Temple (ICCT) has been in existence and is sustaining its activities due to the generous donations from devotees like you. During the season of Giving, we encourage and request the professional community to pledge for donating to ICCT.
Reminder for FedEx employees: FedEx Cares United Way campaign ends November 1st for calendar year 2020. If you wish to pledge for any tax-deductible donations to ICCT, you may want to use the keyword "pledge" on FedEx Intranet website and then login and follow instructions. Search for ICCT (a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization) by using tax ID 581522313 and complete your pledge.We would like to thank you in advance for your time and active participation.
For devotees working at other organization's, please take out a few minutes to inquire and see if there is giving / matching donation program available that will support ICCT.