Subject: Experienced C++ Developers Tells the Truth in 2021

Experienced C++ Developers Tells the Truth in 2021

March 3rd, 2021 at 5:08 pm EDT

Hi,I just released a new video on YouTube (Experienced C++ Developers Tells the Truth in 2021) ... you can find it by clicking here.You can learn all the details about the Mentoring program here: If you have any que ...

StudioWeb Newsletter

February 14th, 2021 at 5:12 pm EDT

Hi,This might be the first StudioWeb newsletter since covid hit. My apologies. I plan on sending these out 2 times / month ... give or take.For educators:In the last year, we released StudioWeb 5, which delivered on several request that teachers want ...

Need2Nerd: How to get your first developer job?

February 13th, 2021 at 11:58 am EDT

Hi,Hope everything is amazing! I have a new guide on how to get your first developers job in PDF format that you can download here.I just released my new course: The Lizard Wizard. This is an advanced psych course that teaches you how your brain actu ...

New video: Should you Learn 2 Programming Languages at the Same Time?

January 28th, 2021 at 2:03 pm EDT

Hi,I released a new video on YouTube, and in less than 24hrs, I have over 9000 views. It's a good one!... The video answers a common question I get: Should you Learn 2 Programming Languages at the Same Time? If you have seen it yet, check out my Pyth ... - Schedule a FREE consultation

January 18th, 2021 at 6:03 pm EDT

Thanks for joining the newsletter! Let's start burning fat by setting up your free 30 minute consultation with Oren ... you are under NO obligation. We are doing this to build an effective program for programmers ... people who sit all day!Join the P ...

Mentoring Newsletter: What's coming to the Mentoring group.

January 18th, 2021 at 11:23 am EDT

View onlineHi!Just wanted to give you guys a quick update of what I will be releasing soon. First, I already released the new Money course ... that you can find here: ...

Need2Nerd Newsletter is Back!

January 13th, 2021 at 2:19 pm EDT

View onlineHi! It has been a while since I sent out newsletters ... been busy! Before I forget: Happy New Year! I am back now, with exclusive content: The following video is from my new course called Money. It teaches you how to manage all that coder ...


January 13th, 2021 at 1:31 pm EDT

Hey there Friend,Hi! It's been a long since I sent out a newsletter ... but I am back! I had a lot of work to take care of ... As promised, I am expanding the content in the Mentoring program; I just released a new course called Money. The table of c ...