Subject: Worship your gut and you will reach weight loss nirvana.

🔥Worship your gut, and you will reach weight loss nirvana!

Look down at that beautiful belly of yours, while you might not look at it with wonder, you should marvel at its design. It’s the key to understanding our past, present, and future. 

The Past:

Body fat was an evolutionary advantage back when we were hunter gatherers, and food was scarce. We are wired to overeat and store fat (which is energy) to survive!

Our ability to store and produce fat on our body, means that we can go long periods of time without eating. Hunting was not always successful.   

The Present:

The issue today is that food is everywhere and easily accessible. We typically eat too much, too often, hence our large surplus of stored energy -  our big bellies. You went on too many successful hunts to the fridge…

The Future:

The key to losing weight is tapping into our fat stores! A lot of that is found on our bellies.

Solution A: don’t eat anything ( and drink lots of water) for 1 week to 1-2 months ... till  you reach your desired weight. Simple in theory, hard in reality. 

Solution B: Join our 5 week program: Simple in theory and easier in reality.

With the 5 week program, you will be coached on how to work with evolution, instead of against it. Leverage your ancient architecture by using practical and simple tweaks. 

… Our clients easily lose 10-20lbs in our 5 week program without hitting the gym or starving themselves. Best of all, the program is designed to enhance a developer’s lifestyle, not hinder it. 

To learn more, schedule a FREE consultation with me.
