Subject: Mentoring Newsletter: What's coming to the Mentoring group.


Just wanted to give you guys a quick update of what I will be releasing soon.

First, I already released the new Money course ... that you can find here:

... Keep in mind, to access the new mentoring content, you have to part of the program.

Lizard Wizard

I am now editing videos for a new advanced psychology and communication course that I am calling the Lizard Wizard. It has a funny name, but once you get into the content, you will see it makes perfect sense, as it aligns with the latest research in science.

In short: a big part of our brain is called in psychological fields: the lizard brain. It is called the lizard brain, because we share that aspect of our brains with actual lizards.

What's the point? The lizard brain has its own way of thinking, and what was discovered relatively recently, is that this part of our brain has a huge impact on our decision making processes, and it even has a big impact on HOW WE PERCEIVE REALITY.

... This is profound stuff. Learning this will give you a kind of super power you can access. More to come.

If you have become a mentee, check it out:

Thanks for reading!
