Subject: Do you need to know Algorithms to get a Job as a Developer?


I get this question a lot:

Do you need to know algorithms to get a Job as a developer?

Short answer is no. But there are some exceptions. Some companies will test for algorithmn writing skills, but that is something you see more or less, in larger companies.

... If your goal is to work for small to medium sized businesses, or to freelance, then it is a non-issue.

The future of algorithmns writing is already limited now, and due to Ai, super limited in just a few years. This is what I wrote on Twitter recently:

ChatGPT and other Ai will make algorithm writing a relic of the past. Writing algorithms is like chopping tomatoes in the development world … it doesn’t represent real cooking. The key to success as a developer, is to be a generalist with great organizational and communication skills.

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