Subject: The list is NOT the thing!

Well Hello There Listies,

I have to admit my subject line is not COMPLETELY true.

Of course having a list of likeminded individuals is extremely important...

...however if they just sit on your list you might as well not have the list in the first place.

Guys tend to be obsessed with the size of things ;-)

But ladies know, it's not the size but what you do with it, that counts!

And as usual, the female of the species are spot on.

So getting back to your list, I don't care if your list would fill several sports stadiums...

...if you're not building a relationship with them it is as useful as a chocolate teapot!

Once you've built your list you need to communicate with them.

So I have found you a collection of FREE highly crafted, DFY emails you can use in your online efforts.

The emails are written by MASTER copywriter Kam Jennings and they are not the usual hype and fluff mails.

You can get full details from the link below...

>>> Get Your Free DFY Email Package Over Here <<<

Till later,

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