Subject: The Man With The Funny Accent

Hello Listies, Dave Here,

I promise to keep it nice and short today.

I know a lot of you already picked up the FREE offer from the man with the funny accent AKA Kevin Fahey.

Kevin hates it when we make fun of his Irish accent but he ain't here and I couldn't come up with a better subject line.

That aside, as the lazy bugger that I am, I didn't keep track of who did pick it up and who didn't...

So, if you already got your copy of IM Affiliate Funnel 2.0 - sorry to bother you again.

For all the other folks, you can still grab your copy of here.

Seriously, you don't want to miss this if you'd like to know how to run successful affiliate campaigns...

...And you've got nothing to loose as it won't cost you a dime.

Talk soon,

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