Subject: The Best Free Marketing Resources (feel free to share these)

Hi there,

Normally it is not done to send your subscribers to someone else's blog...

Well, today I'm going to break this rule.

As you know by now, I'm not a fan (being nice here) of the "circle jerk" marketers,
actually there's only a handful of marketers that I allow to send me emails...

One of them is long time veteran Andie Brocklehurst, who has been in this business since 1999.

Now I could write a 10 page mail about why you should only follow sincere marketers like Andie, instead of the "let's launch some crap every month club" but I'm not going to do that, because that's a decision you have to make for yourself.

What I will do is share the email that Andie send me earlier today, so here it is:

The problem with the internet today is all the junk you get shown if you do a google search for anything to do with making money online, starting a business, or promoting your products and services.

That's why I've curated the very best marketing advice for anyone trying to expand and build their brand online.

You can see them all on one page (this is a 100% free resource)

I had a look at it and as usual it's stuffed with valuable information,

so that's why I decided to share it with you.

Merry Christmas,


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