Subject: Pfft! Passive income...yeah riiiiiiiighhht!

Hello Wonderful Listies!

Here’s the truth…

Other marketers will tell you that affiliate marketing will help you to make passive income.

WRONG! It won’t. It’s only relatively passive income. ‘Relatively’ being the key word.

The business model can be broken down into 3 steps:

  • Set up a website/landing page
  • Create valuable/engaging content
  • Drive traffic to your site, collect leads and get sales

You’ll need to front load most of the work… which is creating your content and post it on to your website.

Once that is done, 70% of the journey is completed.

After that, it’s just a matter of using social media or some other traffic source to send people to your web pages.

Traffic generation is a never-ending process. Which is why this business model is only relatively passive.

There’s work involved. Not that much… but it’s enough to make it ‘not passive’

Here’s the thing - Passive income is a myth.

I’ve no idea why so many marketers want to sit on their asses and do nothing all the time while expecting the profits roll in.

In what universe does this seem normal? Definitely not this one!

When it comes to passive income, real estate or investing in financial instruments is about as close as it gets.

And even then, you need to maintain your properties, watch the markets and so on. There is ALWAYS work involved.

Online marketing doesn’t even come close to this level of passive!

Instead, you’ll always be putting out fires in your online business and trying to stay ahead of the market.

You’ll always feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to complete all that you need to do.

The marketers telling you they work 4 hours a week, are actually working 40 hours a day.

Ok, I exaggerate, but you get the point. Trust me. Their ass is on the seat and in front of their computer from morning to night!

That’s just the way it is. So embrace it, enjoy the ‘fight’ and keep creating… and selling. Once you get the ball rolling, it’ll be easier.

  • Bestselling authors write book after book.
  • Michelin Star chefs create dish after dish.
  • Major movie studios release new blockbusters every summer.

None of them think of calling it a day after one or two hits. Despite the royalties coming in, they keep creating and creating.

They’re NOT stopping… so why should you?

But marketers, especially beginners are always looking for an easy, hands-off, laid-back way to make money. Paaassssive income. Riiight.

My friends, it doesn’t work that way. You gotta work. Constantly, consistently and without complaining about it all of the time.

If you can’t do that, this business is not for you. Period.

That’s it, my rant is over. I’ll talk to you later.

Enjoy the rest of the week.

​And remember, always stay awesome,


P.S. If you didn't have the chance yet to check out Next Generation Affiliate V4, then you check it out over here

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