Subject: Earning commissions for every freebie you GIVE OUT?

Hey guys, Dave here,

The problem with trying to make it online is that 99% of people surfing
the internet are NOT there to buy anything.

As a matter of fact, they hate being sold...
because they want to be entertained online (I know I do!)...
...but they do LOVE getting free stuff.

Sure, some methods teach you to give stuff away for free (mostly re-hashed PLR)
and then they TRY (and fail) to monetize them later.

Why do they fail?

Most people don't want online freebies in the first place...
because again, they're usually crap!

So what's the solution then?

How about giving away PREMIUM training (4 hours!) that provides REAL solutions people actually need…
 I'm talking stuff that will literally make their mouth water!

And that's where our 'sneak attack' comes into play
by instantly offering them irresistible opportunities...
that makes their freebie course SO much more powerful.

Don't miss this guys, you'll thank me later

Always by your side,

Dave De Jongh

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