Subject: Your early access password for is here 🙂

Thank you for your interest in! The site will open to the public on October 5th but before that, we are letting you in to try it out, so we can test it with a small group of users.

Your early access password for is “turtlez”

(Please don't share!)

We’ve been working hard over the last three months to build this site and really hope you like it! There is already lots of content on it, but more videos are still being filmed, edited, processed and uploaded several times a week.

If you run into any errors or problems, please let us so we can fix it before everyone else gets access! Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us by email or on our Facebook messenger chat and we’ll get right back to you :)

Best regards,

Priit & team

P.S.: We apologize if you received this email twice; due to overwhelming interest we had some issues with our new mail server.

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