Subject: In case you missed it: New yoga videos and updates!


Checking in! In case you missed it....


I have been offering classes on Facebook Live most weekends. These are free and the replay is available on Facebook and also on my YouTube channel.

This week, we explored variations and modifications of child’s pose (balasana)

Often offered as a “resting pose”, balasana (child’s pose) is gentle, BUT kneeling and deep forward folding can feel uncomfortable or inaccessible for many people. In this practice, we will move into variations and modifications that can help you find a child’s pose that works for you!

  I hope you’ll give this practice a try! I’d love to hear your feedback.

You will need some props: 2 blankets, 2 blocks, a chair, and a yoga bolster (if you don’t have a bolster, you can try using blankets or towels folded in a pillow case, two pillows in a case, or a body pillow folded in half in a pillow case).



I have several offerings planned for 2021, including sessions on better sleep and stress management, live and online yoga classes and "deep dives" into poses.

What I am MOST excited about is the 3 night all inclusive retreat June 3-6, 2021 at Winter Clove Inn in the Catskill Mountains of New York. There are still SIX spots available!

Your retreat registration also includes at least 12 monthly group sessions (via Zoom or in person if possible) that we can use to check in with each other, practice skills, learn new things, or just reconnect. This is your experience and the content will be guided by you.

The retreat and the included experiences will give you tools you can use for the rest of your life. I hope you'll join me!

More information is available at the link below.

Deep Self Care Retreat June 2021
Winter Clove Inn

For more information on ALL of my offerings, visit my Facebook page by clicking below .


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