Subject: This only happens once in a lifetime...

Good Tuesday Friend,

This is the latest update of what's happening in the markets...

Last night I shared with our community about my latest stock pick and the company is called "ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS, the ticker symbol is ZM (NASDAQ).

Zoom Video Communications is a remote conferencing services company headquartered in San Jose, California. It provides a remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration.

Right after I shared about this stock, this morning I got an update from one of my trading platforms...

"Zoom continues to skyrocket: The maker of increasingly-popular video conferencing software yesterday jumped an additional 21%, further adding to its all-time high. The stock continued to climb after hours, rising an additional 2%."

Last week, Zoom was at $130... today it has gone up again to $159....

I am feeling very good this week because I managed to get some shares 2 weeks ago... hehehe...

And I strongly believe it's still going UP UP UP...


I explain the reasons for my opinion in my call last night, here's the video recording for you to watch it again on my Facebook Page...

Last night, the Federal Reserve of USA (i.e. the Central Bank of USA) announced that they will provide unlimited QE (Quantitative Easing) to help save the economy from the downturn... what that means is the US government is going to print more money and inject it into the system AGAIN, this time they are printing another $1 Trillion dollars !!! That will bring the US Budget Deficit down even further into the abyss... It's crazy...

The News headlines read "Last week the Fed fired their bazooka, this week it's the kitchen sink..." If this still doesn't work, the Fed will have exhausted their bullets...

Let's pray for everyone's sake that it works! Or Else, we are most certainly going to live through the next recession in history...

The most important thing is... you must recognize that in times of crisis, massive fortunes can be created for those who are educated and prepared... 

So stay tuned to my weekly newsletter as I keep you updated on the latest developments and opportunities for us to profit hugely from this global crisis...

Also, I have started a new TELEGRAM channel where you can receive instant updates on your phone via the TELEGRAM APP, go sign up for it here,

(Make sure you download the APP to your phone and join my channel "DennisBayWay" on Telegram)

If you will like to get exclusive access to my personal stock picks and financial market trade opportunities, or know someone who might be interested in these updates, feel free to share my "Global Investors Weekly" newsletter to them with this link,

And remember to register for my next upcoming Monday night Zoom Webinar here to listen firsthand on my latest stock picks and market updates...

Contact me to find out how you can get started... this window of opportunity is not going to last forever!

To Your Wealth, Freedom & Success!

Your Friend
Dennis Bay

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