Hey mate,
Firstly, I'm terribly sorry for the lack of communication recently regarding the webinars, this is down to some very unfortunate circumstances involving first my editor's girlfriend contracting a mild form of cancer, then as soon as she got better, my mum developed acute kidney failure out of nowhere a few weeks ago. This led to both of us putting work on hold and being emotionally tied up with our respective loved ones through their tough circumstances. Thankfully they're both on the road to full recovery and I can get back to focusing on giving you guys the value you deserve after all your patient waiting.
The first thing I'm going to do is give you a link to both of the raw recordings of the second and third webinars.
And as a little bonus this evening I recorded a very helpful podcast which won't be released for another few weeks, so here's the podcast in full too with some beginner guys I bumped into on Oxford st.
Here's the link to the folder for you to download the 3 files from.
I hope this is enough to tide you over till we can send you the proper versions of the webinars. I have had a lot of great comments made about the quality of the first one and I want to make sure I carry on that tradition and give you guys the best versions of the 2nd and 3rd editions, so I will promise you now that before May the 1st both webinars will be with you.
Again I want to thank you so much for your patience and your understanding.
Best, Yad