Subject: Daygame Survey responses: turn out you're not alone

Hey Friend,

Jason Jones reporting in as your Daygame CEO! I'm been going through the results of the recent survey that you participated in, and I'm stoked to share them with you.

We often feel like we are alone with our fears and dreams… but we're often not as alone as we think. Check this out…

Question 1: What is your experience with approaching women during the day?

A good number of you, 20%, are on the starting blocks, eager to dive into the Daygame adventure. Meanwhile, the lion's share—60%—have dipped your toes in the water, yet haven't found the treasure you're seeking.

Trust me when I say every seasoned daygamer has been in your shoes. Patience, persistence, and the willingness to learn are the stepping stones to success.

Question 2: What's the daygame dream?

Many of you—50%—dream of spinning an enchanting web of experiences with a multitude of fascinating women. Daygame can open that pandora's box for you. But remember, the more enchanting your web, the more time it demands. In the whirlwind of dating, work and hobbies can get sidelined. But hey, isn't it an enticing 'problem' to have?

Another 45% of you are searching for your dream girlfriend or life partner. Reflecting on my journey, my dating adventures were thrilling, no doubt. But when I met Sarah, my world shifted. Waking up next to a woman you truly cherish is a joy beyond words. And don't worry, I understand it's easier said after the adventures!

Question 3: What is the biggest thing holding you back from achieving that goal?

Here's where the challenge lies for many of you—45% are held back by fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of being seen.

Been there, done that, my friends. Fear is a natural instinct, a protective shield your mind throws up against potential harm. But with every positive interaction, that shield cracks, making way for exhilarating encounters and unforgettable memories.

Question 4: Have you ever overcome huge self-doubt to achieve something really difficult in other areas of your life?

A triumphant 64% of you have stared self-doubt in the face and emerged victorious in your careers and businesses. That is powerful! Now, imagine wielding that power in your dating life. Believe me when I say, it's not only possible—it's probable.

Question 5: What free content would help overcome those obstacles and achieve your goal?

Almost half of you—47.5%—are yearning for "Real approach videos." Makes perfect sense. Witnessing someone conquer the Daygame landscape in real time is incredibly inspiring and informative. Buckle up, because we've got a treasure trove of engaging content coming your way.

Question 6: What daygame training are you interested in to overcome those obstacles and achieve your goal even faster?

Here, we had quite the assortment! Video courses claimed the most votes at 39%, with 7-day residential trainings taking second place at 17%. It's thrilling to see you all eager to embark on both the most accessible and the most transformational journeys with us.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for lending your voices to shape's future. Each response is a beacon guiding our path forward.

Keep your eyes peeled for exciting updates landing in your inbox very soon.

Until then, remember—one daring conversation. That's all it could take. She's waiting for you.

Adventuring onward,


Daygame CEO

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