Subject: 120,000 Sold

Hey mate,

You know what's freakin' beautiful?

If you want to learn any subject you can just go to and buy a book on it.

For like $20 and a few hours of your time, you put yourself ahead of 95% of guys out there, just as long as you get the *definitive* book on the subject.


If you want to learn bodybuilding, you read The Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

If you want to learn poker, you read the Theory of Poker by David Sklansky.

If you to learn chess, you read Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess by Bobby Fischer.

So if you want to grab a book to become completely kick ass with women, where do you turn?

Two words...

"The Natural"

The Natural is a jam-packed 200 page seduction BIBLE by my good friend and absolute legend in the pick up community, Richard La Ruina.

This guy went from 24 year old virgin to world-class seducer, bedding some of the hottest women on the planet, and for the past 6 years he's been teaching his methods to hundreds of thousands of guys around the globe in his life workshops.

Now, he's distilled all of his techniques down into a single hard cover book, which you can grab on Amazon. (it's got 4.5 stars out of 5 with over 250 reviews)

But here's the thing....

I DON'T want you to pick it up on Amazon.

Because if you did that, you'd have to actually pay for it.

And today, I'm giving you the opportunity to just straight up get the book for FREE.

Here's what's going on:

Richard's publisher sent him 100 copies of the book to give away for promotional purposes.

But instead of giving them to bloggers, podcast hosts and tv stations he's decided to give them away to the guys who need them most...

His newsletter subscribers.

This morning, he sent an email announcing the giveaway - and as soon as I saw what he was doing I hit him up and was like " gotta let my guys get in on this too"

So that's exactly what's happening right now.

Here's the deal..

Simply Click Here To Grab Your Free Copy

...and after you bed your first chick, send richard a simple email saying "thanks!"


There are no strings attached.

You simply get his book - packed with literally hundreds of easy-to-execute techniques and tactics - just for being one of *my* subscribers

So what are you waiting for? This giveaway will be over before you know it

Take Advantage Of This Special Opportunity Now



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