Subject: Friend, $450 in Cash Prizes This Week - Daily Cash Payouts

Traffic Kick Start is only 11 days old and already has almost 1,500 members.  

I expect that to pass 2,000 this week because they are giving away cash everyday.  

Each day, there are $50 in cash prizes and on Sunday, they are giving one new member $100 cash.  

That is $450 in cash this week.  

All you need to do to get in the drawing is to join the site for free and then click at least 10 emails for credits.  

That gets you in that day's drawing and the grand prize drawing for $100 cash.  

Traffic Kick Start has 6 innovative ways to get member's to click on your ads.  

If you want more traffic and signups for your programs, then you need to join today.  

Traffic Kick Start is a safelist mailer, but with a twist.  

Instead of just sending your emails and hoping that people click them, Traffic Kick Start actually compels the members to click your message ...  

even if they don't see it in their inbox.  

It's really cool and effective.  

Join Traffic Kick Start and click 10 emails for your chance to win cash!  

Give Your Traffic a Kick Start!  


David Hall