Subject: Last Day to Win Over $500 In Prizes Friend

Hi Friend ,
Matthew and Eugene over at Home Income Mailer just announced a 48 Hours to Win Contest where you can get a chance at over $500 in cash and prizes.

Winners will be picked on Monday.

All you need to do to get your entries to win the contest is to join the site and then login and click some emails.

There are other ways to earn more entries in the contest too.

More entries means more of a chance to win.

On Monday, they are picking 50 winners from the entries members have earned.

Two lucky winners will get $25 cash and 48 other winners will all get prizes forth from $10 to $25.

It costs nothing to join or get entries in the contest.

Home Income Mailer is definitely a site you want to join, even without the contest.

It has grown to 1,000 members in just 6 days!

Fastest growing launch in almost 2 years in our niche.

That is because it delivers quality traffic that lead to signups and sales.

Click below to join Home Income Mailer and then login and earn some entries.

I want to see you on Monday's Winners List!

Click Here To Join



David Hall