Word Search - Karen Pourbabaee
“Lead me in the everlasting way.” Psalm 139:24 NASBGod’s way is an everlasting way. When we journey on God’s path, it is an everlasting trip—eternal. But this everlasting way is not a passive way of careless living. A life blessed by God is a life of spiritual alertness and action—an intentional life of contemplation and movement. What is your role in this everlasting way? Take any verse of scripture and do a word search for verbs—that will give you an action plan. Take a look at the action words of Psalm 119:1-16(NAB):
Walk by the law of the Lord.
Keep His testimonies.
Seek the Lord with all your heart.
Walk in His ways
Observe His precepts with care.
Ponder all His commandments.
Praise Him with sincere heart.
Study His righteous judgments.
Observe His statutes.
Observe His words.
Seek Him with all your heart.
Don’t stray from His commandments.
Treasure His promise.
Recite all His judgments spoken.
Find joy in the way of His testimonies.
Ponder His precepts.
Consider His paths.
Delight in His statutes.
Never forget His Word.
That’s enough to keep you busy for a lifetime! But have you noticed there’s quite a bit of quiet time verbs: seek, observe, ponder, study, observe, consider. In this whole list, we are told to walk twice. If you want to wander on God’s path down His everlasting way, pay attention. A lot of His way happens right in our hearts and minds, enabling us to rise and walk in His will when He says go. In following this spiritual prescription, your way will become God’s way.
Lord, lead me in the everlasting way. Amen. Contact Karen and read more HERE.