When You Say “I AM” You’re Saying His Name
H L Ford
I visited a long-time friend yesterday, and I was shocked to see her body in such decline from aging as well as injuries she is recovering from. When I asked about her health she said, “I’m okay. Arthritis in my neck, but I don’t want to talk about it.” Smiling, she added, “The Lord is with me.” Her spirit is well.
Her response hit me at once. I realized like her, we should want to talk about what is right with the Lord instead of what’s wrong with us!
Once when I felt overwhelmed by so many asking for prayer for the healing of serious diseases, I looked up and whispered, “Father, the need is so great.” He answered, “I AM greater.”
Wow! Our Mighty, Powerful, Awesome, Merciful, Compassionate, Unchanging God IS Greater. That’s what is right with our Wonderful God. That’s what I proclaim, and not what’s wrong with me.
Father, You are worthy to be praised no matter what storm I’m going through, and You will lead me through it to the other side, even if I can’t walk on the water with You; I am well. Amen.
H L Ford writes to inspire faith in those who are seeking answers. Her books can be found on Amazon. Contact