The Fields are Ripe for Harvest – Bea Edwards
There's a beautiful song that came out a few years ago based on Numbers 6:24-26.
"The Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you, be gracious to you and give you peace..."
And it goes on... "May His favor be upon you, and your children and their children, to a thousand generations.”
I sing that song as I walk through neighborhoods and under my breath as I'm shopping. At times I simply approach people and ask them if I may say a prayer of blessing over them and their family. It goes something like this:
"Lord Jesus I ask you to bless John and his family, may Your face shine upon them, be gracious to them, fill them with Your peace and joy, be merciful to them, keep them safe and healthy and give them hope for the future, amen."
So easy - yet so impactful. The Holy Spirit adds and subtracts from the simple blessing as I'm sensitive to His moving.
At the end of conversations with almost every phone representative I speak with, I ask, “May I speak a prayer of blessing over you and your family? Caught off guard, they don't understand what I'm asking them, many times they say “huh?” or “excuse me?” It's kind of cute bringing them into the moment, so I repeat myself – “May I say a prayer of blessing over you and your family and 99% of the time they say yes of course. I'll pray that prayer and it's lovely when I hear the emotion in their voice as they thank me. On one occasion the young lady turned a prayer to me and blew my spiritual socks off. We both had a tearful amen at God's goodness and providence.
May I encourage you to memorize a simple prayer like that and ask the Holy Spirit to bring people into your experience. Begin practicing on the phone and then maybe to the store clerk who’s checking out your groceries. I dare you, go ahead and bless somebody and watch the trajectory of the atmosphere change as Holy Spirit enters in.
Bea loves to point the lost to Christ, pray for people daily and to encourage and bless others. Contact