Symbolic or Genuine? - Dale Buchanan
"Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the Lord - - - It may save us." I Samuel 4:3 KJV
The army returned looking like dogs with their tails dragging. Their steps faltered. There were no pleasantries, no smiles, no conversations. They were whipped. The Israelite army had gone into battle confidently against the Philistines and had suffered an awful beating.
The elders of Israel had an idea. Let's fetch the ark of the covenant of the Lord. It may save us. The ark will produce victory! When they brought the ark into the camp of Israel, they all gave a great shout.
The Philistines heard the roar of triumph and were afraid. They had heard that the Israelite God smote the Egyptians with plagues. So they encouraged each other to fight like men – and win!
And win, they did. The Philistines slaughtered thousands of the Israelites. They took possession of the ark and killed the two sons of the high priest, Eli.
The Israelites considered the ark a symbol of God's power and presence. But without obedience to God, it meant nothing.
Modern culture loves symbols. Christians hang a beautiful cross around their neck with little thought of its meaning. Instead of being beautiful, the cross of Christ was an ugly, brutal, and bloody method of execution. Beautiful plaques and bumper stickers can give a brief message of Christ. While there may be nothing wrong with using or displaying these symbols, they are not the power of God. There is power only as we obey the Scriptures and separate ourselves to the Lord. Then He is glorified.
Better than any symbol, plaque, or bumper sticker is a life consecrated to the Lord! Not symbolism but genuine Christianity.
Dale is a retired pastor and accountant. Read more and contact him HERE.