Keeping the Faith – Jennifer Woodley
‘Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” So Abram went, as the Lord had told him.’ Genesis 12: 1, 4. (NRSV)
Abraham never knew where the Lord God was taking him. Yet he never consulted friends about the best place to settle, call for a forum with his family or take a break from his duties to consider his options. Abraham simply obeyed.
Abraham’s obedience, attributed to his faith in God, made him righteous before God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God, for whoever comes to God must believe that he exists and rewards those who diligently seek and obey Him. And God rewarded Abraham most generously.
Like Abraham, we do not know where we are going and the journey ahead often seems confused and blurry. Thank God that He has a clear picture of what lies beyond the little we can see and understand.
Jesus pioneers a way for believers through the uncharted terrain before us, perfecting our faith as we follow Him. We must travel lightly with Him each day, laying aside every distracting weight and the sin that tries to cause us to stumble. We must willingly endure whatever God in His wisdom leads us into knowing that He will assuredly bring us through to reach the end.
Like Abraham, we must trust our Heavenly Father, rather than our limited understanding, and refrain from resorting to the ways of this world to gain a sense of control and knowledge about the days ahead. Keep faith in God and He will establish all that concerns us.
Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who seeks to encourage others on their journey with Christ. Contact