Loving Family Enemies by Lynn Gipson But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you--Matthew 5:44 Do you ever get the feeling that some family members resent you? You're not sure why, they just seem to enjoy making snide remarks and saying hurtful things at your expense. I'm sorry to say I have a relative who does that. She loves reminding of things I have done in the past, before I came to know Christ. The thing is, I don't react to things this person says. I simply turn my cheek, but sometimes I do have a hard time understanding the reasoning for them. Jesus says we must forgive others who trespass against us. Sometimes that is hard to do when we get our feelings hurt, and our pain turns to resentment. Resentment is worse that the pain itself. But how many times have we done things to hurt Christ's feelings? Does He resent us? No! He loves us instead! He looks beyond our sin and into our hearts. He prays for us. He says “Father, forgive, for they know not what they do.” Tonight as I lie awake thinking about something that was said to cause me pain, I realize I must love this particular family enemy and pray for her soul. I must look beyond her words to her heart, and see that someone must have hurt her badly to cause her to want to inflict pain upon others. I pray that Christ will heal the pain in her heart. I pray she finds Jesus.
Lynn is a cancer survivor, freelance Christian writer and a very active member of FaithWriters. Contact