Subject: Great Multitude Daily Bible Devotional From FaithWriters for Friend

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Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

KNOCK, KNOCK – by James Cox

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if ANY man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me.” Revelation 3:20

Jesus Christ won’t throw Himself against the doorways of our heart, He won’t punch the door down, or scream like a ferocious animal, for us to open up. This is NOT the meek and mild Savior’s way. HE is our Shepherd of love; giving us a choice. Until we make the right choice, He will keep knocking. HE desires a loving, eternal relationship with us. But HE can’t and won’t compete with the noise in our lives.

We are selfish creatures; we want things our way! So, we surround ourselves with the noise of sin, that twisted orchestra of deceit drowns out the call of the Holy Spirit in our heart, things like: anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, grudges, no prayer life, profanity, no Bible reading, partying, drunkenness, narcissism, adultery, flirting with folks not our spouses, homosexuality, stealing, gossiping, chasing careers, Facebooking, smartphone gaming, pornography, mistreating our spouses and children, wrecking our marriages, divorcing, dishonoring parents, etc.

No wonder we can’t hear Him! HE desires more than anything to be invited in, to sit down and fellowship with us, forever. But until we get rid of those things that create so much noise in our lives, we will never, ever, be able to hear that knock, we will waste our lives chasing lies, we risk missing our blessing, ignoring our true gifts and callings; we risk eternity, without Him. What can the world offer better than Christ? 

Did you hear that? There it is again…sounds like a knock at your door. Turn down your life and open the door. HE’s right outside. Amen

James has been happily married for 13 yrs, father of 4 growing children, caretaker of two dogs and one "weird" cat. Contact  


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