Commit Your Works by Karen Pourbabaee
“Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
The Lord desires for us to commit our works to Him alone. Look up work; it covers a lot of territory! Our physical labor, mental efforts, tasks, duties, occupations, our moral actions and deeds. The Lord wants it all. He wants our commitment of all these elements of our lives. Why? Because He wants to establish our plans. We don’t have to strain our brains. He has the best ideas.
First things first: Commit. Meaning “to deliver for safekeeping, to entrust, to consign.” How wonderful to think of our works in safekeeping with the Lord. To entrust involves a “committal based on trust and confidence.” It’s what the Lord is waiting for; He longs for us to trust Him. To consign our works means to “transfer something to another’s possession or control.” It’s asking God to take charge. Then we can breathe a sigh of relief, for we have now rolled that burden at the Lord’s feet. Actually the Hebrew word for commit means to roll.
The plan comes after the commitment. It’s a method of proceeding, a schedule, an outline, design, or sketch. God wants to give us all that once we commit our works to Him. A divine design. A step by step outline. A vision. So don’t skip that crucial first step. Commit. Then God will establish your plan. Karen has been a FaithWriters member since 2009, she has published award-winning short stories and devotionals in various venues. Contact