Subject: Great Multitude Daily Bible Devotional From FaithWriters for Friend

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Thousands of Writers Inspired by Rev 7:9-12

FAITH AND PATIENCE – by Stephanie M. White

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Hebrews 6:12 (NIV)

Faith and patience inherit God’s promises. A person who is actively pursuing God’s Word in their life will demonstrate faith and patience; they’ll experience God’s promises in God’s perfect time.

A study of the word lazy reveals that this word comes from a Greek word, nothros, which is derived from the word for an illegitimate son. Laziness with the Word comes from a lack of understanding your identity in Christ; its roots lie in feelings of illegitimacy.

An erroneous view of your identity in Christ is directly related to your use of the Word. A person who is insecure in their Spiritual identity is usually under condemnation when they read the Word. They don’t see the Word as His love letter to them. They don’t comprehend that it’s written to two groups of people: the righteous and the unrighteous. They don’t recognize themselves as righteous in Christ; consequently, they have trouble distinguishing between the two. They will apply things that are addressed to the unrighteous to themselves because they don’t understand who they are in Christ; they don’t rightly divide what is addressed to the Spiritual person from what is addressed to the carnal. People who read the Word of God in this manner will eventually discontinue their reading and never experience faith and patience or its result. 

Today’s writer is teaches a Bible study at her church and is the author of four books. Contact


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