God’s Grace – Robert Rutaagi
The sun was setting. I was still in my office, completing some work that had accumulated for a week. Suddenly, my office was filled with a great light, from ceiling to floor, from wall to wall! Great panic descended upon me.
“The building is on fire!” a voice in me pounded. I looked at the bulbs on the ceiling and the walls, but there was no electricity, neither were there any signs of smoke. “You’ve gone berserk…” the same voice pounded again. A blanket of fear gripped me once more. As I contemplated raising an alarm and running out for safety, a much gentler voice spoke to me: “What you are seeing is not fire or else you would be burning already. This is my glory being revealed to you. You have for so long, doubted my existence and salvation. I am giving you both now.’’
All this happened in an instant. Something else happened. A blissful experience gushed through me, from head to toes. And as it raced through me, I felt metric tons of joy flowing, transforming every cell. ‘’Fly!’’ the voice pounded.
Another gentler voice spoke: “Look at your watch”. I did. Tuesday, July 6, 1999, 18:43 pm. That was my turning point. I was saved! For a subsequent four weeks, I remained in that blissful state. Whatever I thought was good. Whatever I saw was gorgeous. Whatever I ate or drank was delicious. Birds sang melodiously. Very much like John Newton (Jubilate Hymns 1725-1807), everything with me was ‘’amazing grace…’’ and the wretch I was up to that day and hour was saved. Glory be to God! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV, John 3:3 NIV, John 3:16 NIV.
Dear Lord God, may the same grace filled experience be granted to those who doubt as I did the day you turned me around. May your abundant love and grace keep and guide them until your eternal Kingdom is established. Amen.
Robert is a Professional Manager [retired], married to Celia with four children and six grandchildren. Contact