Do I Measure Up? - by Bob Higginbotham
“And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2 KJV)
The apostle Paul warns against becoming conformed to ‘this world’ because we, as believers, must sojourn in this world every day of our natural lives. We know the ‘world’ in this context does not refer to Planet Earth, but rather to everything on earth that is in contrast to Godly precepts, commands, and principals; such as lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life as found in 1 John 2 16 KJV.
When one object is conformed to another, it adopts all the characteristics of the original. When my wife’s gelatin salad comes out of its mold, it has conformed precisely to every indentation of the mold. This makes me wonder about the appearance of my life to others. According to God’s word, I must not look like, act like, sound like, or in any way, appear like the world. Could I, through a little careless exposure to things of the world and misplaced priorities become the gelatin within the mold of this world?
Paul then admonishes us to “be ye transformed... " meaning that I must also be changed into something God can use. Our electricity is brought to us through wires that connect to and pass through a ‘transformer’ before they connect to our toasters. Why? In its original state, prior to being transformed, the electricity is useless to us, and I am, likewise, useless to God if I am not transformed.
“Lord, by your grace, set me apart from the world and make me useful for your service. In Christ’s name, Amen.”
Bob remains in His service in Mississippi. Contact